
Showcasing the
$100bn Vision Fund


Lead designer




The SoftBank Vision Fund is a whopping $100bn fund. Investing in technology companies to help shape a better future.

It was my task to create a premium website to show off a huge vision. Showcasing the latest investments and introducing the team by extending a beautiful brand already created by Multi Adaptor.  I was involved from the start of the project. Understanding the clients requirements, presenting design concepts and then leading the final design into handover for internal development.


For the first part of the project I was free to explore different ways of presenting the content. I explored a number of different concepts, including building a 3D space environment that felt like you were seeing into the future, an exponential pattern that reveals when you scroll horizontally through the site as if you are progressing through time. And a living digital mind map to show all the connections between each investment that will help shape a better future.

Premium research

Most however, were rejected by the client. The lack of ‘premium’ was missing. The next phase was to discover what ‘premium’ meant in a digital world. Developing a research doc into colours, typography, animation and layout.


Animation was used throughout the exploration stage. I tested different ways to reveal the exponential pattern, different hover states and prototyping a journey from page load right through to the portfolio.

Final concept

In the end something simpler was needed. A rich, yet easy to experience website with a premium gold interaction colour, videos on the homepage and animations throughout to create a seamless experience.


Multi Adaptor had already set some beautiful guidelines. Including the bespoke typeface Sakamoto. I transformed the brand into the digital space.


The website was built internally so lots of meetings were held to ensure a smooth handover. On top of this I used tools such as Framer to test the animations. Zeplin was used to ensure a consistent handover for the team.

Next project
